Tool4aLLS: Training sessions with professionals working with migrants

On the 21st of April and the 11th of May 2021, KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre and ANOLF Marche have conducted the first training sessions for operators concerning the use of the  Tool4aLLs”, which is the first intellectual output (IO1) of the project IntegrAction. Since both Italy and Greece were still in the pandemic period, the sessions have been conducted online. Therefore, specific guidelines for this new way of interaction were appositely prepared.

These sessions targeted a total of 29 social workers, integration operators, language teachers, intercultural mediators, psychologists and educators that, in their work, are assisting and supporting migrants mainly in those activities related to language learning, vocational training, and employment. Among the trainees, some already work within the partner organizations of the project and/or for other organizations / agencies within the same local / national network.

As part of the development of IO1, the training activity served to inform the trainees on the use of Tools4All seen as a unique and useful way for learning the national language. This activity aims at strengthening the abilities of migrants in using this tool even outside the language class where learning usually takes place in order to improve those skills that are necessary for an effective integration process.

This activity will be followed by other training sessions where the trained operators will disclose to the migrants the practical use of the Tools4alls.

Stay tuned!