Training workshops with refugees, asylum seekers and migrants residing in the city of Ancona

Anolf Marche, head of the consortium of the IntegrAction Project (Erasmus +) has launched a series of training workshops with refugees, asylum seekers and migrants risiding in the city of Ancona concerning the use of the digital toolkit ‘Tools4all’ for learning and strengthening the Italian and European languages.

The first training sessions have been conducted on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 17th of August of 2021 and they have targeted beneficiaries of the first and second reception programs residing in the city of Ancona. Participants have been both men and women of different origins and ages including migrants from the following nationalities: Nigerians, Malians, Pakistanis, Somalis and of the Ivory Coast.

Due to the difficulties of organizing a unique training session because of COVID19 restrictions, participants have been  divided in different groups. The first round of training sessions targeted around 30 participants. The attention and the interest towards the formation has been very high and the feedback that has  been received confirms the uniqueness and utility of the instrument.  Learning to use the digital manual will help  them to autonomously improve the knowledge of the local language necessary for social and economic integration.