Tools for Linguistic and Entrepreneurial Skills’ Development for Inclusion to a New Country”

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development organized and conducted the 2nd IntegrAction Networking Event called “Tools for Linguistic and Entrepreneurial Skills’ Development for Inclusion to a New Country” which was open and free for NGOs, Not-for profit organizations, and other associations with relevant activities. It was a live event that took place in the premises of STHEV in Larissa, on Wednesday 3rd, from 15:00 to 17:00 Greek time. The event was organized in terms of the European funded project “IntegrAction: Action for socio-economic integration of refugees and asylum seekers”.

During the event, the Integraction project and its actions and deliverables so far were presented. More specifically, the attendees had the opportunity to meet and test the Transnational Report about the Digital Tools For Literacy And Strengthening Of Linguistic Skills and the “Tool4aLLs – Toolkit on digital tools for Literacy and Language proficiency” both constituting ΙΟ1 of the project, and secondly IO2 which is named “Immigrants in the Labour Market: a manual for entrepreneurship and business start-up” regarding the necessary skills for refugees, migrants and asylum seekers to start their own business. The event was broadcasted through live streaming for interested parts that could not participate in the event in person and for participants from the partner countries.

At the end of the presentation, questionnaires were shared to the participants that attended the event in presence to gather their feedback. Most of the participants were very satisfied and satisfied by the whole event. More specifically, they fully agreed that after the event they feel better informed on various aspects related to refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers and it helped them to strengthen their knowledge on the topic. Almost all of them agreed that the event contents were of their interest, and they characterized them as clearly understandable, very interesting and motivating, very well-organized and well-structured and they agreed that the overall atmosphere was pleasant. The only negative comment stated was about the bad and unsteady internet connection.

More details here.