Towards the socio-linguistic and employment inclusion of the migrant population”

On the 25th of November from 3 pm to 6 pm, in Ancona (Marche region), ANOLF Marche ODV, coordinator of the project IntegrAction part of the Erasmus + program, has conducted a seminar titled “Towards the socio-linguistic and employment inclusion of the migrant population”.

During the seminar the first intellectual outputs of the project have been presented, followed by THEMATIC TALKS with the main representatives of the education and entrepreneurial sectors. The talk related to the language learning, education and formation saw the participation of the Provincial Adult Education Center, the Local schooling institute (Posatora Piano Archi), Salesian association and the Municipality of Ancona (Social Services Department).

For the talk related to the employability and entrepreneurship for refugee, asylum seekers and migrant, representatives of the following organization have been taken the word: The Employment center, WEatCO, Confartigianato Ancona Pesaro Urbino and the Ethical bank.

The seminar has also included a STORYTELLING space on good practices of two migrant entrepreneurs of the area.

The event also served to inaugurate the initiative of the CAFFE’ LINGUA which will take place, starting from December 13th, at the Informagiovani of Ancona (a Youth Information point), located in the heart of the city, every Monday afternoon. The aim will be that of creating an informal space for the linguistic and cultural interaction to facilitate the socio-cultural integration of the migrant population.

The event saw a very high participation of professionals from different sectors such as NGOs, schools both public and private, governmental offices, agencies for employment, social operators and intercultural mediators and members of the local community.

The conference was covered by different media channels and by clicking to the link below you could access the interview conducted to the project representatives.