KMOP ist eine der ältesten griechischen NGOs mit 40 Jahren Erfahrung in der Unterstützung von benachteiligten Gruppen. Zu den Hauptkompetenzen von KMOP zählen Sozialhilfe und Gesundheit, Vermittlungsfähigkeit und Schutz von Menschenrechten, Forschung sowie die Entwicklung von Fachwissen in sozialpolitischen Fragen. Neben der direkten Unterstützung durch dezentrale gemeindebasierte Einrichtungen (drei Gruppenhäuser und eine Tagesstätte für psychisch kranke Menschen, sowie Beratungsstellen in verschiedenen Städten), ist KMOP auch aktiv an nationalen und EU/internationalen Projekten beteiligt welche sich insbesondere mit gering qualifizierten Jugendlichen und Langzeitarbeitslosen, Opfern von Gewalt und Menschenhandel, Menschen mit Behinderungen, älteren Menschen, Migrierten und anderen Minderheiten befassen. KMOP beschäftigt mehr als 80 interne Fachkräfte mit fortgeschrittenen Abschlüssen und mehrjähriger Berufserfahrung. Unsere Mitarbeitenden kommen aus verschiedenen Bereichen und Disziplinen und bilden dadurch eine reiche Mischung aus Soziolog*innen, Sozialpolitiker*innen, Spezialist*innen für öffentliche Gesundheit und Bildung, Psycholog*innen, Volkswirtschaftler*innen, Anwält*innen und Politikwissenschaftler*innen. Neben festangestellten Mitarbeitenden verfügt KMOP über ein breites Netzwerk an internationalen Expert*innen sowie Partnerschaften mit erstklassigen Bildungseinrichtungen welche über Fachkenntnisse in den Bereichen Erwerbstätigkeit, Sozialpolitik, öffentliche Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Bildung und Gesundheit verfügen. KMOP besitzt eine breite Expertise darüber wie soziale Eingliederung gefördert und diskriminierende Praktiken und Radikalisierung, vor allem im schulischen Umfeld, bekämpft werden können. Durch seine breite Expertise im Umgang mit der Förderung von gegenseitigem interkulturellem Verständnis bietet KMOP einen Mehrwert für die effektive Umsetzung von Projektaktivitäten.
IED – The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development is a research organization established in 2005, focused on the promotion of entrepreneurship for everyone. The organization’s main activity is the implementation of projects under some of Europe’s most influential and groundbreaking Programmes like the HORIZON 2020 and the ERASMUS+ programmes.”
Jobs4refugees is a charitable organization, which was founded in the end of 2015 in Berlin. Our goal is to support all refugees and asylum seekers who wish to find employment and seek a career / education in Germany. The core to achieving our mission is the ‘active placement’ of refugees through matching activities and trainings. jobs4refugees belives that integrating refugees into the labour market not only enables them to live self-determined and empowered lives, but also contributes to a positive shift of prevailing narratives. In other words, working refugees are recognized as productive members of our society and as taxpayers rather than being merely defined as people in need who are burdening the welfare system. Furthermore, j4r provides employers with the knowledge needed to recruit a diverse and immigration friendly workforce. In the light of severe labor shortages in a number of industries in Germany and the high number of unemployed refugees, j4r promotes a fast workforce integration, the social acceptance of religious and political diversity, reducing bureaucracy and improving personal matching.
ANOLF (National Association over the Borders) is a not-for-profit and apolitical organisation, founded on 1989 with the aim to create a society opened to the diversity showed by a multi-ethnic and multicultural word, respecting and enhancing ethnical, cultural and religious differences. The activities implemented by ANOLF concern immigrants and migration theme, and are focused to help single man, families and entire communities in order to achieve brotherhood and solidarity among peoples. Activities ANOLF implements a wide range of specific interventions:
ANOLF Marche is committed to host and to integrate refugees and asylum seekers working with local institutions in the following projects:
Since 2008: Manages the SIPROIMI (Protection system for Beneficiaries of International Protection an for Unaccompanied Foreign minors (ex SPRAR) project of Ancona’s Municipality titled “Ancona City of Asylum ”
2018: main coordinator of the new SIPROIMI project of Ancona
2018: member of the partnership for the SIPROIMI project “Ancona Province of Asylum” Since
2014: Collaborates with the Prefecture of Ancona for the management of the first reception service for migrants (Project ‘You are not alone’) Partner in several FAMI’s funded projects (Italian fund for Asylum and migration 2014-2020) FAMI E-QUALITY, FAMI FRA NOI, FAMI WIFI
Learnmera Oy is a private language education and translation provider in the greater Helsinki area, which provides business language lessons, translations, and proofreading services. Courses are offered in the major Nordic and European languages, as well as beginners’ courses in English, Finnish, Swedish, French, German and Russian. Learnmera Oy has considerable experience in educational resource creation, website creation, and app content building as well as online vocational courses. Their free published language learning and cultural material online have had hundreds of thousands of downloads to this day. Learnmera Oy has been active within different European projects since 2008. In addition to the above-mentioned services, Learnmera also provides IT services especially directed towards corporate clients and institutions that want to improve their customer interfaces and social media presence. A list of projects Learnmera has previously worked on can be found here.
Veronica Gelfgren
+358 45 169 5454
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, situated in Athens, is a non profit organization with more than 40 years of experience in supporting vulnerable groups across the world. KMOP has expertise to design and implement new innovative ideas in order to ensure and promote positive social impact by building resilient communities and making world a better place for everyone taking into consideration all the modern societal, technological and environmental developments.
KMOP’s mission is to inspire and support innovative ideas to change people’s lives, tackling the causes of vulnerability and promoting inclusive and sustainable growth for everyone.