PROJECT CODE 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063302

The Intellectual Output 3 “Webdoc – Migrant Diaries” is thought to give to the immigrants an instrument to tell about themselves, their life story, and combat common cliché and stereotypes.The aim of the  webdoc is to contribute to the enhancement of the critical understanding of local communities of migration issues and the complexity of the integration processes.
The gallery includes videos from Italy, Germany, Greece and Finland of true stories which are addressing themes such as: entreprenuerhsip, identiy, discrimination, social inclusion, integraction, travel, human rights, racism, etc   

This gallery aims at 

– creating awareness about refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants rights in order to strengthen the integration process
–  support in changing behavior that reflect a positive attitude towards refugees
– improve the knowledge of different cultures,
– stimulate equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in local communities.